EPART Mission and Goals
The mission of the College of Engineering Emergency Planning and Response Team is to provide planning, direction, and oversight of College safety and security initiatives for crisis management, business process continuity, and the protection of our community.
Safety, security, and response planning, whether managed directly by this committee or in parallel with work done in other College of Engineering committees, will address:
- Safety standards in our facilities (working through CoESafe and EHS)
- Safe practices in our research and instructional laboratories and shops (also working through the College Safety Committee and EHS)
- Crisis management procedures
- Business continuity procedures
- Information technology security
- Incident communication policies and procedures
- Coordination with related University offices and efforts
The committee will strive to coordinate efforts among the various participants, ensure full coverage of issues, avoid redundant or conflicting policies, and document and promulgate policies and procedures.
To assist in coordination, the two primary CoE safety and security committees will share membership: the chair of the College Safety Committee will be a member of the committee, and the College facilities director will be a member of both committees.