Financial Transaction Request (FTR)

Please use the following forms if requesting an Additional Pay, a Journal Entry to transfer revenues/expenses, or a Stipend paid through Student Financials. Once completed, please save and email to your Unit Administrator for processing.

Additional Pay:

  • Paying an active employee for services unrelated to their appointment.
  • Can be used with Regular Employees, Temps, and Student-Temps.
  • Additional Pays are taxed and show up on regular paychecks.

Journal Entry:

  • Charged something to the wrong shortcode? We can JE it to the correct one.
  • This form is used for transferring revenues or expenses from one shortcode to another.
  • If transferring an expense, please attach a copy of the SOA showing the expense.


  • Used to pay an active student enrolled in a course for work that is directly related to the course and that benefits their education. Being wait-listed does not count.
  • Payments via Student Financials could alter students’ existing scholarship package.
  • Payments are considered “income” and many aid packages are based on “income”.
  • If the student has any outstanding balances on their Student Account, payments could be absorbed, possibly reducing the amount of the payment (stipend).
  • Check with Student Financial Services before issuing stipends at (734) 764-7447.

Journal Entry Student Org:

  • Do you need to transfer funding to a student organization?
  • Does a student organization need to be reimbursed?
  • Fill out this form and provide a detailed reason and purpose for the transfer.